Balletti Martini is inviting you to an evening of dance with "Mood Shifters - unplugged".
The show will be performed with a brand new cast and in a simple and intimate studio setting, without any special effects.
It will be followed by an informal discussion and the artists will be available to answer any questions about the work and he creation/re-staging process.
May 23d
Beit Alpha 13, Studio Tversky
20:00 h
length: 35mn
Price: 40 nis
About the work
Emotional mimicry is the process by which we understand the other's emotion by mimicking their expression or movement.
The road to the other passes, even before language, through their face and the joy, fear, disgust, curiosity, anger sadness it expresses.
The performance/exhibition of feelings outwards helps us navigate, understand and express our needs to one another. But could they also be controlled and virtuosically manipulated to one's advantage?
In this short piece, three dancers embark on a shared journey with the audience, travelling throughout the stage in the search of intimacy, love and most of all recognition, at any cost.